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A Flexible Approach to Your Sessions


As someone who regularly sees the benefits of counselling for clients, I believe that having fulfilment and happiness in life is much too important to leave to chance or the hope that maybe things will change in time.


If you'd like to give it a try but don't know if you want to commit, that's fine. I offer an optional three-step process to all my prospective clients. All you need to do is email me to find out how I can help you.

Most clients see me for sessions booked weekly/fortnightly at a regular time over a period of weeks or months. I typically recommend an initial commitment to 6 hour-long sessions following the assessment and this may be enough for you. Many clients choose to continue with additional sessions - regularly over a period of months or just every now & again. We discuss what will work best for you at the assessment and keep things under review as we go.


Appointments are available weekdays and evenings, start times between 10am & 6pm (all subject to availability). I try where possible to take a flexible approach to scheduling to support people for whom a regular 'same-time-each-week' commitment is difficult, but this cannot always be accommodated.

Stages of Support

Initial support by email/ phone
Relationship therapy specialist Helen Rice gives phone coaching to client in Poole Bournemouth counselling room

The website covers most questions, but please email me if you have any specific queries. If you prefer, we can arrange a 15 minute telephone conversation, so you can decide whether my approach is right for you - subject to availability.

Free of charge & no obligation

One hour assessment
Relationship therapy expert Helen Rice does Skype session with client in Poole Bournemouth counselling room

A one hour consultation to begin to explore the issues to address and the results you'd like to get.

£90   1 hour online

£105 1 hour in-person


Relationship therapist and lovelife coach Helen Rice sees male client in Poole Bournemouth counselling room
Regular sessions


 I typically recommend an initial commitment to 6 hour-long sessions following the assessment. We'll discuss what will work best for you and keep things under review as we go.

From* £85 per hour online

From* £100 per hour in person

(*as 6-session pre-paid package)

Core Services



Waiting list: Typically 1 month


Consulting room located at the Consulting Centre, Poole Road, BH12 1AW

Home Visits can be arranged if confidentiality & personal security are your concerns. Fees available on request.

Online & Telephone


Waiting list: Typically 2-3 weeks

Zoom is an encrypted online video-conferencing platforms and is the preferred platform for many organisations including the NHS for therapeutic work as it has a higher level of security overall.

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