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Terms & Conditions of Service - Summary

All clients attending for an initial assessment session with me are required to read and sign a copy of my Terms & Conditions of Service. This document is usually sent out in advance of the first session and includes important information about my commitments to Confidentiality & Data Protection, as well as further information about how I work. 

I include summary information here, and would be pleased to discuss any queries or concerns you may have prior to arranging a session and receiving a full copy of this document.  

Confidentiality Policy - Summary

All counselling and relationship therapy services delivered by Helen Rice MA MSc MBACP, are private and confidential. Your name and any information about you will not normally be passed to any external agencies or in response to any enquiry unless:

  • I am legally compelled to do so, or there is a duty to the public to disclose

  • I have firm reason to believe that someone, especially a child, is at risk of serious harm

  • Disclosure is permitted by law and required to protect my interests

  • Disclosure is made at your request and with your written consent.

  • Couple work requires both parties to agree to these T&Cs and in respect of any requests to disclose information obtained from and about you.

In addition, I employ a personal assistant to manage general administration of the practice, including enquiries from prospective and ongoing clients, and managing my appointments' diary. Disclosure of personal details to me via my PA is completely at your own discretion. However, my commitment is to ensuring complete confidentiality, with your rights under UK GDPR fully respected and reflected in all our practices.

Data Privacy Policy - Summary

UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR), tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018 now/ still apply. These have been applied from 25 May 2018.The Uk GDPR set out the rights of individuals in relation to how personal data can be held, used and processed by organisations. Further information about the UK GDPR is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office

I keep confidential records and statistics about clients which are subject to the Uk GDPR. This includes contact names, telephone numbers, email addresses, postcode, job descriptions and brief health information. This personal information I request from you is what I consider minimal information as relevant to your case and for general administration. All such information is kept securely, mostly as a paper record, and is only accessible by me. 

Information is stored in accordance with UK GDPR requirements, and I acknowledge the key tenets of the UK GDPR in respect of: the Right to Access; the Right to be Forgotten; Data Portability and Data Destruction.

Client Acceptance & Retention Policy

The purpose of this client acceptance and retention policy is to enable me to effectively respond to any risks I consider sufficient to warrant withdrawing my services from a client(s); prospective or ongoing. The factors to consider in any assessment of risk will be determined solely by me as each case will inevitably have a unique set of circumstances and different level of risk tolerance. Some factors are non-negotiable however; if a client arrives for a session intoxicated by drugs or alcohol; if a client uses violent or threatening language or behaviour whilst on the premises; if a client is the subject of an ongoing police investigation or court case; on remand or a home detention curfew (HDC/ Tag). 

Risks will broadly be assessed as circumstances where I believe there may be a risk to my personal safety and/or that of others; to my business (including professionally & reputationally); to my property; and to the client, in continuing to provide a service to this client(s).

Cancellation Policy - Summary

Cancellations made with 36 hours notice can be re-scheduled with no cancellation fee applied. A fee of £20 will be payable for all cancellations made with less than 36 hours and within 24 hours of the appointment to cover the room rental fee which is non-refundable. Cancellations made with less than 24 hours' notice will be charged for in full. 

Feedback & Complaints

I welcome client feedback and encourage all clients to adopt a collaborative approach to their ongoing counselling sessions. In the unlikely event that there is a concern or complaint that you cannot resolve with me or my supervisor, you can contact my professional body The British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) Registered Member No 137257.

© 2012-2025 Curious Enterprises Ltd. 

Company number: 08873369 (Registered in England & Wales). Registered address: 13a Mill Lane, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1LN

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